12 Health Benefits of Acai Berries

There are numerous healthy berries that would be a great addition to your diet. The acai berry is one of the healthiest berries you will ever find.
Acai is an indigenous berry commonly found in the rain forests of the Amazon. This antioxidant-rich fruit has been heralded for centuries as a healing, immune-stimulating, energy-boosting fruit. An exotic relative of the blueberry and cranberry, research has shown that this antioxidant-rich berry may be able to support in the prevention of diseases associated with oxidative damage, not to mention many other health benefits.
The list below offers a little more insight into some of the many health benefits of acai.

1. Heart Health

Similar to red wine, research shows that acai berries are extremely high in anthocyanins, a form of plant antioxidant associated with the ability to lower cholesterol levels in the blood stream. They are also rich in plant sterols that provide cardio-protective benefits to our cells. It does this by preventing blood clots, improving overall blood circulation, and relaxing the blood vessels.

2. Antiviral, Antibacterial & Anti-Parasitic Agent

Scientists from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro have shown that consuming acai extract can help fight both viral and parasitic infections. However, I would personally recommend Oregano Oil for this same task.

3. Aids in Weight Loss

Known by nutritionists as a super-food, acai may help us not only lose weight, but maintain a healthy weight. One interesting study from the National Institutes of Aging found that pulp from the acai berry had the ability to reduce the negative effects of a high-fat diet in laboratory studies on flies.

4. Promotes Skin Health

Currently, many modern beauty products are carrying acai oil, again due to the oil’s high antioxidant content. What is more, acai oil is a great natural alternative to chemical based skin-care products that harm the skin in the long-run. Taken internally, the berries can also give your skin a healthier glow. In fact, Brazilians have been eating acai berries for centuries to treat skin conditions.

7. Helps with Digestive Upset

Taking acai may also aid in keeping our digestive system clean and in optimal function. The berries have powerful detoxification capacities in the human body and is a well-known traditional source of dietary fiber. Of course, there are many other high fiber foods that can do the same thing, including many other types of berries.
Picking Acai Berries

3. Anti-Allergenic Substance

Acai berries contain anti-inflammatory properties that may prevent the typical inflammation response associated with allergic reactions.

4. Improved Cellular Health

On a general level, the anthocyanins found in acai play a role in our cellular protection system, helping to keep cells strong against the invasion of free radicals.

8. May Help Prevent Cancer

Acai is very high in Vitamin C and ellagic acid, an immune-system-boosting combination that has been shown to suppress the growth of cancer. One study published in the Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry found that polyphenolic compounds extracted from acai could reduce cancer cell proliferation by 56-86%. It is thought that acai’s phytochemcials can stop the process of carcinogenesis on a molecular level, killing off tumorous cells before they multiply. Acai is particularly indicated for the prevention of prostate enlargement.

9. Anti-Aging Effects

Extremely high in many forms of plant phytochemicals (antioxidants), acai berries may contribute to an ability to slow or reverse typical processes of ageing related to inflammation and cellular oxidative damage. In fact, the berries are one of the planets highest sources of antioxidants, with one berry holding ten times the amount of antioxidants as grapes, and two times the amount of blueberries.

10. Boost in Energy

Due its overall health benefits, taking acai extract can lead to an increased overall level of energy and stamina, and may aid to combat fatigue and exhaustion. Whenever you need a boost, simply eat a handful of berries and you will be ready to go in no time!

11. Better Sex

This famous red berry has also been linked to overall increased blood circulation in the human body, a phenomenon that may contribute to a boost in sex drive, especially for men.

12. Improves Mental Function

Preliminary research studies show that acai may prevent mental imbalance in menopausal women.
If possible, try to buy locally grown, organically-certified Acai. Not only are they safer, but taste better too. If you can’t find acai berries, another good source of antioxidant fruits are goji berries.



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